Watch Legacy List with Matt Paxton

Legacy List is available to watch on the TV or you can stream full episodes now.

Watch on TV

Public Television

You can watch Legacy List with Matt Paxton on Public Television. Check with your local station using the tool below to get the exact times and days, as air dates and times differ per station.


CreateTV is another great way to watch Legacy List with Matt Paxton episodes, as it is a channel that broadcasts lifestyle and how-to programs. You may visit the CreateTV locator page or look at the list of Legacy List showings in your area.

Stream the show

Did you miss an episode of Legacy List with Matt Paxton? No problem, PBS Passport is a streaming platform that allows members to watch videos on their phones and tablets, either online or on the PBS Video app. Therefore, you can stream full episodes of Legacy List with Matt Paxton whenever and wherever you want using. Get PBS Passport or check the status of your membership.